The Republican Watchdogs are back this week with a close look at Roy Blunt’s new advertisement on Immigration. This newest advertisement from Blunt highlights his commitment to keeping our borders safe and attacks Robin Carnahan over her stance on immigration. You can count on the Republican Watchdogs to thoroughly inspect this advertisement and find the truth behind the claims!
The advertisement opens with Blunt explaining how America needs to improve border security how he is helping. Blunt explains that he has “led the fight” in increasing boarder security and supported building of fencing in critical areas. According to the voting records from On The Issues, Blunt DID vote yes on building a fence along the Mexican border and does have a “sealed-border stance” on immigration issues. Thus, this first claim from Blunt seems to be accurate.
The advertisement then attacks Carnahan because she “opposes measures to secure the boarder like Arizona’s new immigration law.” This is quite a claim and as usual the Republican Watchdogs dug deep to find the truth. According to Politico, Carnahan did explain that, “I’m not in favor of what they are doing in Arizona. This is something Washington’s supposed to do, they haven’t done it.” Carnahan later added that she saw it as an infringement on people’s freedoms. Clearly, Carnahan does oppose the Arizona law as stated in the advertisement. However, the claim that she is against measures to secure our boarder is too broad. According to Politico, Carnahan stated that she would be in favor of a “comprehensive immigration law that included increased boarder security, enforcement of rules against hiring illegal immigrants and strict requirements for people seeking normalized status.” Carnahan obviously is not against protecting our borders. The advertisement is making a blanket statement against Carnahan based on her one issue with the Arizona immigration law.
The advertisement then focuses on Blunt’s support of the Arizona law and his stance on “keeping borders safe, finishing the fence and enforcing the law.” According to Fired Up, Blunt is in support of the Arizona law and believes that “there is nothing wrong with states trying to do what is necessary to protect people in their state.” Blunt sees the Arizona law as “common sense.” Below is the audio clip of Blunt’s comments on the Arizona immigration law.
Overall, the advertisement is pretty truthful and accurate. Blunt is honest in his claims he makes for himself. However, his attack on Carnahan is unfair and inaccurate aside from her opposition to the Arizona immigration Law.
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