Our Mission

We, The Republican Watchdogs, seek to encourage increased participation in the ongoing political conversation. In order to facilitate this we hope to promote HONEST communication between the Republican candidates and the public. We feel that fact checking statements and advertisements by the candidates is paramount to an honest American political system. As such, we promise to uncover dishonest communication before it taints the public.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Zachary Wyatt Enters the Media Frenzy

This week the Republican Watchdogs will look at the new radio advertisement by Zachary Wyatt, the Republican candidate for Second District State Representative. Wyatt had been a quiet candidate thus far in terms of media and now the Republican Watchdogs will ensure that his message is truthful!

Wyatt opens this message by mentioning that he has served in the United States Air Force where he “fought for our freedoms.” According to an article from The Heartland Connection, Wyatt spent more than six years in the Air Force and “attended the Community College of the Air Force as well as the Defense Language Institutes.” From Wyatt’s website, he explained that he was an “Airborne Chechen/Russian/Ukrainian Linguist.” Clearly, Wyatt was truthful when calling upon his experience with the Air Force.

Wyatt then goes on to enhance his credibility by listing the organizations that have endorsed him. He lists the National Organization of Independent Businesses, Missouri Right to Life, and his membership with the National Rifle Association. In looking into his first endorser, according to an article from the NFIB, Wyatt did in fact receive their endorsement. His second endorsement, the Missouri Right to Life, also confirmed their support for Wyatt on their website. Lastly, Wyatt proudly announced his membership with the NRA. On his Facebook, Wyatt has a picture shooting a gun with a local NRA leader and announced his endorsement from the NRA on the week of October 3rd. Overall, Wyatt has been truthful in detailing his endorsements and has not inflated any statements in this radio message.

The Republican Watchdogs are very satisfied with this initial message from Wyatt and hope he continues to release truthful and accurate information.

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