Our Mission

We, The Republican Watchdogs, seek to encourage increased participation in the ongoing political conversation. In order to facilitate this we hope to promote HONEST communication between the Republican candidates and the public. We feel that fact checking statements and advertisements by the candidates is paramount to an honest American political system. As such, we promise to uncover dishonest communication before it taints the public.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Would Leutkemeyer Really Risk Your Social Security in This Market?

This Week on The Watchdogs we’re taking a trip down memory lane in the way back machine! We’re taking a look at a popular series of ads that the democrats pull out nearly every election. With minor changes of course! These ads focus on social security and they state that republican (name here) supports risking your retirement funds in the marketplace. While these ads have not been run yet this election cycle, they have been run in nearly every election since Bush proposed allowing citizens to put social security money into privately held funds in 2005. So, without further ado, here’s the ad that the Democratic National Party ran against Leutkemeyer last election cycle.

As you can see these ads can have a huge impact on elderly voters, especially during the recession, but let’s look at the facts. First question: Does Leutkemeyer really support “privatizing Social Security, risking your retirement on the Wall Street roller coaster?” According to FactCheck.org this is untrue. In fact the Bush proposal made creating personal investment accounts an option, not a requirement. Not only did this bill fail, but had it passed it would not have affected current senior citizens, because it did not apply to people born before 1950. The Watchdogs find this ad and ads like it to be patently untrue! Democrats better not bring these ads back this election, or else they’re going to have The Watchdogs barking at them and howling “foul play!”

This has been a trip on The Watchdog way back machine! Look out for more trips in the future. Here at The Watchdogs we don’t just watch current events; we look at history too, because The Watchdogs aren’t reactive, and neither are you! So, as always, liars watch out, or you’ll feel the very real bite of The Watchdogs!

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